
Media Hypocrisy In The War On Guns

CASV Yard SignWould YOU put this sign in YOUR yard?

A crew of undercover journalists asked just that of the many editors, commentators and journalists in the New York & DC metro following weeks of media attention given to a New York paper that published the names and addresses of law abiding gun owners. Their responses were astonishing and quite different than their on-air and/or published stance. And it’s all caught on video.

Project Veritas, the brain child of James O’Keefe who has unraveled ACORN and exposed voter fraud in at least 5 states, approached MSNBC’s Toure, editors of the now notorious “gun maps” and even knocked on the door to Attorney General Eric Holder’s home, which greeted them with armed security.

Watch the video here: (This writer is the first person in the video!)

The “targets” of the investigation are those in media who have advocated for strict gun control in the US and who have attempted to publicly shame legal gun owners. The goal? To determine if the gun control activists would practice what they preach and place a sign in their own yard advertising their home was a “gun free zone.”

O’Keefe has been a fierce critic of cable and mainstream media outlets for promoting a political agenda and says he aims simply to point out the hypocrisy in popular liberal circles.

“The fact that they will say one thing on air to get ratings or whatever, the fact that they will publish and target law-abiding citizens, and then not live to their own standards is astounding,” says O’Keefe of the journalists in the video who refused signs or felt uncomfortable sharing their own personal information.

Shortly after the Journal News published the names and addresses (complete with interactive maps on the newspaper’s website), the National Rifle Association struck back with a long list of their own “outing” gun control advocates.

As expected by many, there is already an investigation into one robbery where a 72 year old law abiding man’s home was targeted specifically for the guns he had locked inside.

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  1. Bring me a sign saying I am a gun owner, break in this house and you can find my gun up your nose. I’ll post it with pleasure. I believe in the 2nd Amendment exactly as it is written and it should be upheld by anyone who holds political office in this country. This is my right and as soneone who has been kidnapped along with my 3 yr old son I will defend myself regardless of who wants to say I can or cannot because it is my right to defend me and what is mine.

  2. Bring me a sign saying I am a gun owner, break in this house and you can find my gun up your nose. I’ll post it with pleasure. I believe in the 2nd Amendment exactly as it is written and it should be upheld by anyone who holds political office in this country. This is my right and as soneone who has been kidnapped along with my 3 yr old son I will defend myself regardless of who wants to say I can or cannot because it is my right & responsibility to defend me and what is mine.

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