Soros’ Anti-Frack Attack in MN

George_SorosLeftwing progressive organization, Land Stewardship Project bussed in activists from rural Minnesota to lobby for a “temporary moratorium” (read: 30 year moratorium that will never go away) on silica sand mining in the state, a direct attack on the natural gas industry. The silica sand has been used for decades in hydraulic fracturing – also known as “fracking” – to safely and cleanly remove natural gas from shales deep beneath the ground.

The Land Stewardship Project is funded by the Joyce Foundation and billionaire George Soros and claims to promote “sustainable agriculture.” The group’s spokesperson wouldn’t disclose the cost of the busses or the number of passengers.

As reported by KMSP Fox 9 News, “a temporary statewide moratorium on frac sand mining in Minnesota passed the Senate Energy and Environment committee by an 8-4 vote Tuesday.”

Should the proposed legislation pass the democratically-controlled state house and senate, the very liberal governor, Mark Dayton (who benefited from a Soros-hosted fundraiser for his campaign), will promptly sign it into law, sending thousands of jobs and millions of dollars into Wisconsin and surrounding states.

“It will lock Minnesota out of the energy revolution that’s going on in the country,” says Scott Sustacek of Jordan Sands.

To learn more about fracking, what it really does, who’s making money from it, and what the real environmental & economic impacts are, watch FrackNation.


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