Gun News

VIDEO: A Lesson In Firearms

IMG_2854The testimony from Rob Doar at the Minnesota House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee Hearing was a lesson in firearms that every gun control advocate needs to see. Unfortunately, several Democrat legislators, including the author of the bill to ban such firearms and equipment, felt it was unnecessary to be a part of the discussion.

Doar is a firearms expert and testified in opposition to proposed legislation that would ban certain firearms, limit ammunition capacities, require additional annual background checks and in-home gun storage inspections, firearm confiscation, as well as other measures to restrict the lawful possession of firearms in Minnesota.

Hundreds of pro-Second Amendment activists have attended the Public Safety Committee hearings that will wrap up Thursday evening. Representative Michael Paymar (D), Chair of the committee, has said that all of the gun control bills being discussed will be “laid over” for inclusion into a larger omnibus bill later in the month.
Read more on gun control! NRA Publishes List of Gun Control Advocates
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