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If The Boston Terrorist Was a “Mazel Tov” Cheering Jew, He Would Have Been Executed Immediately

jews are terrorists 


Let’s just stop all the PC nonsense and bull and state the truth: If the two Islamic terrorist scumbags were not Islamists, but “Mazel Tov” cheering Jews or Bible-bearing Christians, the living bomber and his terror-supporting cohorts would have been placed before a firing squad by now on the grounds of racism, hate, terror, and intolerable biblical religious beliefs!

star of david and cross

The fact the terrorists are Islamists makes them poster boys for apologetic “tolerance” toward Islam and its violent threat to the world.

Because both Boston terrorists were Islamists is further grounds for President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to demand Americans ignore reality:  Islamists and Islam is violent, and demand Americans not view an entirely violent religion as violent.

The fact these two Islamic brothers blew up a Boston street full of people they maimed and murdered is not grounds for Obama or Holder to call for the death penalty. After all, it’s not as if these two brothers were obnoxious Israel-supporting Jews who assume Jews have some right to live peacefully on this earth.

Let’s face it, if the 9/11 terrorists had been Jews screaming “Mazel Tov” as they flew planes into buildings, murdering thousands, the Left would have demanded America ban all Jewish holidays and Jews in America. And Israel would have been wiped off the map. Because Islam attacked America, we infidels are to tolerate our slaughters, while asking forgiveness because America asked for it, so “Mazel Tov!”

mazel tov

Even if the surviving Boston Bomber is given the death penalty–which I suspect that is highly unlikely,because he is Islamist, not Jewish or Christian, and America needs more college professors now that Black Panthers, cop killers, and Washington, D.C. bombers are entering retiring age–I wouldn’t be surprised if  Dzhokar Tsarnaev spends 20 years in a prison (10 years for good behavior) that would make Martha Stewart envious, before Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn set up a scholarship fund in the name of the brutal conqueror Tamerlane (the dead terrorist was named for the brutal 14th century warlord) to get the thug Islamist a PhD and tenure at an Ivy League college.   

The reality is this kid is not just a terrorist, he’s an Islamic terrorist, and that detail alone says he is untouchable not only to slander, but the death penalty—even if that verdict is handed down. Hey, we don’t want to insult the religion of violence massacring mankind! We must never forget its Israel and Jews we are to loathe and blame—after we have crucified Christianity and its repugnant teachings of love and peace.

Then we have the Tsarneav’s cohorts: They will probably get five to10 years in prison, no doubt shortened because of good behavior. That good behavior being the three college kids knew their patriotic duty: Aid terrorists blowing up America.

Those actions should gain the three cohorts the opportunity to become Hollywood filmmakers.

Now, if these were college kids supporting and raising money for Israel and impoverished Russian Jews, they would be considered vile enemies of mankind. Those who slaughter Jews and Christians are viewed as heroes; they should have poems and music written in their honor.

If Israel tries to make peace with her enemies, those Jews are described as blood-thirsty conquerors victimizing everyone else hurling bombs at Israel, the freest nation for any people in the Middle East.

Then there are those nasty Christians who dare say the name of Jesus, or worse, hold Bible studies in their homes and feed and clothe the poor! Those Christians are racist proselytizers shoving the bomb-filled Bibles down everyone’s throat!

Now that’s terrorism!

You won’t hear Obama demanding America stop tolerating those who want to destroy our nation. You won’t hear Eric Holder declare Islam violent and terror something Americans must not put up with. After all, Eric Holder is the man who ignored the New Black Panther’s voter fraud and threats against white voters during the 2008 election, Holder pardoned Marc Rich, as well as pardoning Weather Underground terrorists and terrorist organization FALN after it bombed New York City, Washington and Chicago and “killed six people—including the Chilean ambassador to the United States—and wounded at least 80 others.”  

Furthermore, why should Obama, the man mentored by communist Frank Marshal Davis condemn Islam? Obama was, after all, raised Muslim, though “These days, I look in the mirror and I have to admit, I’m not the strapping young Muslim socialist that I used to be,” while he defends Islam with apologies for America’s cultures, people, and values every chance he gets.

If anyone assumes Obama, who actually admitted the Boston bombing is act of terrorism, will deem this Chechen terrorist, who sided with Chechnya as an enemy against America, a threat to America, and demand he be tried as an enemy combatant, forget it. The thug already received Miranda Rights; he’s no longer an enemy combatant, he’s just your every day ordinary criminal.  

In other words, Dzhokar Tsarnaev’s actions are no different than the loser who held up the local 7-eleven—who “will die for Islam!”

Given Obama and Holder’s track record for ignoring terror and siding with the enemy—think Benghazi and Fast and Furious–the only way this Islamist snot will get executed is if he converts to Judaism or Christianity.


Lisa Richards

Lisa Richards is a life-long Conservative Republican with a capital "C," fighting leftist progressivism like a hyped-up hormonal verbal paper-shredder on over-drive. A writer of politics and history, Richards believes in upholding an defending the Constitution and American Exceptionalism without apologies. Lisa Richards Holds a Bachelors of Science in Political Science from Sacred Heart University. She resides in her native state of Connecticut with her family and an assortment of rescued animals

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  1. Does anyone still doubt that Barack HUSSEIN Soetoro wants to destroy this country….. He is accomplishing singlehandedly what Communist North Korea, Vietnam, China and the USSR couldn’t accomplish…he even brought two Communists right into the government. His grandparents were Communists, his mentor was a communist, he was endorsed by the Communist party. Hillary is waiting in the wings, should not Obama declare martial law and become emperor of the country.

    1. Exactly Nick! Jarret and Axelrod–2 mentored and well-taught communists trained by Frank Marshall Davis, one of the most vicious anti-American communists of the 20th century. And to think our President was trained and mentored by him is pretty scary as well as repugnant to the Constitution and our founding. And too many people are not questioning this.

      Thank you for input!

  2. Dear Jesus: do not let these mentally incapable people get gun permits… We will have more killing. These are the ones not making intelligent & rational statements. I always notice that a lot of these protesters are illegals, or they might be jahadists. Just wonder if BO pays these people to carry these signs. Libtards & losers. May death solve all their problems.

    1. Notice all May Day protestors either protest against money–they use in big numbers to protest–or they are illegal aliens or legal immigrants who support illegal immigration for its purpose–take us over and conquer

  3. in case you have not noticed obums agenda is to kill whitey not His Muslim brothers that he promised to stand by.

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