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Jodi Arias is More Important to Americans Than Benghazi!




If you ask your average American who Jodi Arias is, they will not only tell you who the slice and dice “Boyfriend Murderer” is, most Americans can relate every, single detail of the Arias murder trial and Jodi Arias’ life. But whatever you do, don’t ask too many Americans to enlighten you with the details of who, what, and where Benghazi is, you’ll most likely receive a blank stare. That’s because the slaughter of four brave American men–ignored by the Hillary Clinton’s U.S. State Department and Barry Obama’s White House during real time calls pleading for help–doesn’t compare to a blonde sexpot (suddenly turned dowdy four-eyed brunette spinster librarian) who shot her lover in the face before stabbing him 27 times and slitting his throat from ear-to-ear “in self defense.”

Just a note to all of you Jodi Arias aficionados; Benghazi is not a leg-breaker for hire from Brooklyn, New York or that really kool Japanese hibachi restaurant.

The above is not hyperbole, it’s a sad fact. The majority of Americans know who Jodi Arias is. So many Americans are preoccupied with her murder trial, that Arias has become the reigning queen daytime TV. Jodi Arias is a star and consumed more often at every dinner and dinner party discussion than our in-trouble-country.

Jodi Arias has been turned into a celebrity by TV, magazines, newspapers, pop culture and gossip. I wouldn’t be surprised if Arias has been the 2012-2013 colleges and universities leading lectures in every pre-law and law school classes versus the U.S. Constitution, vital history-changing Supreme Court cases, and Magna Carta.

If Jodi Arias gets off on self-defense for her violent act, America definitely owes Saddam Hussein an apology for calling his vicious style of torture, rape, and murder violent brutality.

Benghazi on the other hand has been turned into, as White House Press Secretary Jay Carney incongruously phrases it: “Let’s be clear, Benghazi happened a long time-ago.” In other words, old news.

Actually Carney, Pearl Harbor happened a long time ago, but that generation has never lost the horrible memory of what Japan did to America’s naval fleet, our brave men in uniform, or Hawaii’s maimed and murdered civilians.

ignoring benghazi

The point is, for most Americans, Benghazi never happened, and not because Americans lack care, but for the reasons that the mainstream media ignored the slaughter in Libya in order to cover Obama’s butt in the weeks leading up to the November 2012 election. Heaven forbid voters might discover the president possibly ignored men being slaughtered. Those voters may not have reelected President Obama.

obama benghazi

Worse yet, a Democrat White House scandal involving the murder of what happened to our men in women on the front lines is simply not as important as the murder trial of a tight-skirted, over-sexed knife-wielding loser bar-fly, or heaven forbid, missing an episode of Dancing With The Stars.

Jodi Arias is more important than the many economical and national security threats altering our nation, our lives, and the future of America.

Ask yourself this: How many times has important news regarding our troops overseas, national security threats caused by the failing U.S. economy, America’s failing education system, poor jobs numbers,  $2.2 trillion in entitlement spending bankrupting America, the $16.7 trillion and counting deficit in which “three-quarters of the deficit was financed by the Federal Reserve,”  Ben Bernanke over printing money and buying up more assets while the Dow Jones Industrial Average rises (creating unstable fiat-backed paper bubble that will burst into a Weimar and crash the markets if Ben doesn’t stop) for the live courtroom drama of Jodi Arias? How often is news concerning Obama’s preventing the much-needed pipeline, drilling on and off America shores for oil, coal and natural gas, and excessive borrowing from China, whom our government fawns over, and subsidizing questionable left-wing “Green” companies ignored for Jodi Arias’ trial?  What about the ignoring of the $6.3 trillion cost that will be added to the deficit if Marco Rubio’s “Gang of 8” amnesty bill goes through and provides 12 million illegals (I find it hard to believe that number is not 30-40 million after 30 years of amnesty bills) welfare and other tax-funded benefits that will pull the economy down further in order for TV cameras to focus on how Jodi Arias murdered her boyfriend? The answer is daily.

blonde jodi    dowdy jodi

Furthermore, how many Americans can describe for you the blonde Jodi look versus the brunette Jodi look, but those same people are unable to illustrate the details Ty Woods experienced in order to try and save the U.S. Consulate Ambassador and his aides, as well the particulars of the four men being slaughtered by Muslim militants as they begged the State Department for support? How many Americans know who Ty Woods, Ambassador Stevens, Sean smith and Glen Doherty were? I’ve no doubt many Americans do know the name Ty Woods and Ambassador Stevens, but sadly that is as far as the knowledge extends.

Benghazi names

benghazi men

I’m not even sure how many American high school and college kids, not to mention their dimwit parents, are aware that Susan Rice is not a brand you find in Isle Four of your super market.

More people know endless details about Jodi Arias’ life and trial than they know their own blood type.

Jodi Arias and her sensationalized trial are more important to Americans than every crisis we Americans are facing. If Jodi Arias gets off on self-defense, America owes Saddam Hussein an apology for calling his vicious style of torture, rape, and murder brutality.

Jodi Arias faces death (death most likely being 20 years of life sitting in prison cell thinking about how perhaps she should have only stabbed her boyfriend three times after blowing his head off) while America is facing the life and death of the Republic our Founders fought and many died for so we could have liberty.

Arias’ sentence is set to be handed down this week. But I say the judge should give Arias one act of community service Americans would be happy to agree to: Let Jodi Arias nurse the Boston Bomber before his trial since Arias is quite enthusiastic about taking care of gunshot wounds.

Lisa Richards

Lisa Richards is a life-long Conservative Republican with a capital "C," fighting leftist progressivism like a hyped-up hormonal verbal paper-shredder on over-drive. A writer of politics and history, Richards believes in upholding an defending the Constitution and American Exceptionalism without apologies. Lisa Richards Holds a Bachelors of Science in Political Science from Sacred Heart University. She resides in her native state of Connecticut with her family and an assortment of rescued animals

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  1. To capture the attention of the typical pop-cultured American boob you need a sexual component to the scandal and/or an incessant media drumbeat.

    1. Sadly true. What’s worse is more people know who this creep loser is, but they don’t know what and where Benghazi is and why it matters so much to our country and future–men were slaughtered by Islam and it was covered up by the white House and state Department and we need to know why, not know why some crazy girl butchered her boyfriend.

  2. I guess I’m on the opposite side of this spectrum. I only clicked this story to find out who Jodie Arias is, and why people think she’s more important than Benghazi. Turns out, she’s not. She just has a better publicist.

    There should be trials for everyone in the media.

    1. You’re on the right side of the spectrum. I’ve never even watched the trial, but know about this loser, because every time I’m watching important news it is interrupted for this loser’s trial, who seems to have become the queen of daytime TV, and I find that pretty appalling on the media’s part. Men died in Benghazi, but a low-life murderer is more important

  3. I was quite disappointed that FOX kept interrupting the hearing coverage to ‘update the Arias verdict” I couldn’t get it on another channel, but did let FOX know how let down I was. I admit that the Bengazi hearings do require people to think…maybe that’s the clue since sex is natural..then some live vicariously….hmmmm ?

    1. I too am disappointed that News interrupted Benghazi Hearing for Jodi Arias updates. That loser is more important than what happened to four American men slaughtered by the enemy.

      After hearing, the news immediately began discussing the verdict versus discussing the Benghazi hearing–Yes you FOX NEWS!

      Jodi Arias is more important than Benghazi and our American men!

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