There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” (1911) – Booker T. Washington.”
There is a class of people in this nation that are the problem profiteering pimps of race baiting who gain nothing from eliminating the source of barriers that block progress for black people. That is why they have nurtured the frenzy of hate against George Zimmerman.
They worked for well over a century, even before 1911 to manufacture a hysteria that could bolster their own economic standing in terms of their bank account, with no account for validity, accuracy or the truth. Their practices have been hewn from the tree of hate, because it is in hate that they rise and it is in falseness that they thrive. Black progress is their adversary and nemesis.
Zimmerman’s innocence is of no matter to race baiters because it is easier to manufacture a lie which they can easily push than a truth which forces the black public to look inside and ask questions about their own true issues. So deflection, cries of denunciation and of racial injustice against Trayvon Martin was the banner they designed and carried against George Zimmerman last year. Even though the prosecutors found no proof and the FBI investigation found no proof indicating profiling… race baiters like Al Sharpton insisted George Zimmerman was guilty and sold this narrative to the public. It nearly got him convicted!
Yet there was a truth which was not shared. Yet is as punishing as it is illuminating. Out of the mouth of the only true witness to the words and the deeds of Trayvon Martin’s last minutes alive, came an alarming insight. Rachel Jeantel seemed to imply on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Live.” Show early this week, that it was Trayvon Martin who approached the car of George Zimmerman.
According to her, it was Trayvon Martin who profiled George Zimmerman and caused a dangerous down spiraling to ensue because she suggested to Martin that Zimmerman might be a gay man who could be a rapist.
So if the words of the only person who actually was talking to Trayvon Martin is suggesting that Martin did not run away when he could have, but instead approached the car of Zimmerman, where was the “hunting down” of Martin?
When it comes to civil rights, whose civil rights were being violated? This is a question that legitimate fact finding can arrive at a conclusion on. Consider that the FBI had already done an intensive investigation to determine if Zimmerman’s past conduct demonstrated he had a propensity to racially profile blacks or that he was a rabid racist.
The FBI investigators arrived at the conclusion that there was no evidence as in nada, that Zimmerman was a proven racist who would or could lie in wait for the opportunity to racially profile and murder a black youth for no reason.
Again, not the narrative that race hustlers want to hear or to accept. Their future income depends upon stirring the pot so that their bank account grows fatter or the television or media ratings increase, as in the case of Al Sharpton’s’ little watched MSNBC show.
The jury’s decision to find George Zimmerman innocent on murder and manslaughter charges all but threatened to stop the manufactured racism money gravy train for the celebrated liberal media who were startled that justice did work. Unfortunately it was not the result that they wanted, so again the cries of racism have filled the skies and the air waves.
Unfortunately, in all of the continued hysteria a young man is dead and another man has to live with the knowledge of his actions. Those are the facts of this tragic occurrence. In all death there is life and one would hope and pray that there are lessons that America as a whole can learn from this, and it is not a simple discussion of race.
It should be a discussion that parents have with their own children about looking past the fears that are planted by race baiting on either side. Let it be a lesson of what the bible says about hate, injustice and persecution through hysteria:
“Exodus 23:1-3 “You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice, nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his lawsuit.”
The only person alive, with the exception of Zimmerman who heard and spoke with Trayvon Martin was Rachel Jeantel his friend on the phone. She spoke, the jury listened and the jury decided to acquit Zimmerman.
Whether Jeantel’s remarks on CNN were true or simply spoken in frustration, Zimmerman does deserve to not be prosecuted again and again in the mainstream press, the DOJ or by race baiters. Give it a rest and instead focus on why hundreds of black youths are being murdered in the President’s city of Chicago with zero outrage. Or are their young black lives not significant enough to race baiters because race baiters cannot make a profit?
I think you are absolutely right.
I’ve often wondered what Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and the rest of the race baiters woudl do if suddenly all of the white people were thrown into FEMA camps as racists?
I know what many of the Black Community would do – they would keep on killing each other like they do now. But Sharpton and Jackson? Donno…. invent something else I guess – you know like black people who are really white. People like Dr. Ben Carson, Walter Williams etc. Go after those folk who don’t know the meanin’ of the word Slavery!
It’s tough to be worthless – makes you desparate!