Progressive Super PAC and its Spin Project

Progressive Super PAC “American Bridge 21st Century” announced the launch of their Spin Project “Correct the Record”, a dedicated research, tracking and rapid response communications project to defend Progressives in preparation for the 2016 Presidential election.
Their website, will employ a dedicated war room staff charged with providing a rapid response spin to fact based attacks from Conservatives, utilizing traditional and new media tactics to promote the progressive truth and circulate its spin based propaganda to the progressive media, allied progressive organizations, and directly to its low information “Occupy” base.
Chairman of American Bridge Super PAC is David Brock, founder of the progressive media group Media Matters.
Top Organizations contributing to American Bridge Super PAC during the 2012 election cycle were:
The Puppet Master himself, George Soros $1,000,000
American Fedn of St/Cnty/Munic Employees $575,000
AFL-CIO Workers Voices PAC $200,000
National Education Assn $200,000
Service Employees International Union $200,000
Filmmaker Woody Allen even contributed $500
If anything, it should be fun to watch the progressives spin their way out of the mess they’ve created going into the 2014 midterms and leading up to the 2016 Presidential election.