
2013 was one big 404 error

clownWhat a year.

2013 was truly a terrible year for anyone who loves freedom, liberty, prosperity, limited government, low taxes, less spending, freedom of speech, and the right to bear arms, just to name a few.

As a country we have taken a giant leap towards full blown Socialism. This administration has curbed our freedoms in a way that could take decades to get back. They have strained our closest allies and appeased our mortal enemies. They have given our money to causes and countries that hate us while snubbing those countries that share our values. They have targeted those that disagree with them and rewarded those that do. They have made America weaker in foreign policy while strengthening those that want to harm us.

Here is a rapid fire year in review.

The Department of Homeland Security buys up billions of ammunition for “target practice”, The Boston Marathon Bombing, The ongoing persecution of Christians in the military, The Benghazi scandal and cover up, The rise of Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul, The fall of Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, and Paul Ryan, The Internal Revenue Service scandal, targeting, and cover up, The Associated Press scandal, The NSA spying scandal, the Fast and Furious cover up, Eric Holder’s numerous scandals and the radicalization of the Department of Justice, The First Amendment and Second Amendment under constant threat, The war in Syria where we knowingly armed Al-Qaeda, A foreign policy run like a Laurel and Hardy skit, Marco Rubik’s Cube and the Senate Amnesty bill, The Defense of Marriage Act ruled unconstitutional, The removal of Barack Obama’s buddy and head of the Muslim Brotherhood Muhammad Morsi in Egypt, The hero Edward Snowden and the Zero Bradley Manning, Obama truth teams set out to propagandize the youth of America into thinking he is God, Holder challenging voter ID laws in order to guarantee the continuation of wide spread voter fraud, Al Jazeera comes to American television courtesy of hot air global warming pimp Al Gore, Multiple shootings all in gun free zones including The Sandy Hook Shooting and The Navy Shipyard Shooting, The Democratic Party Government Shutdown, The horrific treatment of our World War II Veterans, the slicing and dicing of our military veterans pay, the suspension of Phil Robertson, the GLAAD Nazis, and last but certainly not least, drum roll please….

The absolute ridiculous, amateur, disorganized, unprepared, roll out of the worst piece of leftist legislation this country has ever seen. The Non Affordable Non Patient Non Protection Act. This medical albatross that this administration has now firmly wrapped around our collective throats will be the death of us all. This administration had three years to get their website ready for the roll out and it is still inoperable.

Then the administration had the audacity like the Communist heathens they are to run glowing, smiling commercials showing people how easy it is to sign up. This is the same type of propaganda you would have found in Czarist Russia or in Nazi Germany.

The Obamacare rollout is just another example of how the government can never do anything as good as the private sector. The massive campaign to sell this more expensive, less coverage junk is not only pathetic, but it is down right scary.

I call on all Americans not to enroll in this despicable program. If you don’t enroll they can’t achieve their goal; and if you are not paying attention their goal is a one payer system. Anyone who enrolls in this healthcare program is either a moron or a traitor.

The biggest lie of 2013 was the fact that you can keep your doctor and your current plan. We know that is not true and never was. Keeping your doctor runs counter intuitive to their draconian scheme. It was designed that way.

So in 2014, please be involved, be active, and pay attention. Do your homework. Vote out any member of Congress who voted to fund Obamacare. Show our government who they answer too. I hope 2014 is a better year for all of us, especially America.

Josh Bernstein

Josh Bernstein's a well known political writer, strategist, & radio talk show host. Unabashed, Unapologetic, & Unafraid, Josh covers the issues affectg r nation with a vision all his own. Be sure 2 catch him on the all new The Josh Bernstein Show starting in November! Details to follow. Also check out his columns here: www.joshbernsteinpoliticalwriter.com & follow him on Twitter @jbc230mb or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/josh.bernstein.1 or email me comments, questions, or if you think you might be a good guest on my show. jbc230mb@msn.com

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