
Trump is just another BIG govt guy?

No more clapping in school assemblies. Instead… there will be “silent cheers.” Why? Because A teacher is sensitive to loud noises?

Jesse Watters asks people what they find offensive. How are we even supposed to have a conversation with these folks?


Writer & radio host, Michael Hausam says Donald Trump is from a different part of collectivist island than Bernie is from. He’s still a BIG government guy.

The questions about soft targets in America is with so many targets, why haven’t there been more attacks so far? Think that has anything to do with 2nd Amendment?

And Gary Johnson… to vote for him or not? Is it a throw-away vote?

Joe Messina

Joe is a no-nonsense, conservative realist. He is not interested in “what if?” or “we could have!” He is interested in hearing both sides and has no problem taking on taboo issues with real questions looking for real answers. Racism, religion, and politics are all open season for topics, and he’s happy to offer up his opinion in the process! Joe is an engaging speaker mixing a healthy dose of sarcasm with the cold, hard facts, interacting with the audience, taking questions, and often playing “devil’s advocate”… just to make you to think! Actively engaged in community, church, and politics for well over a decade, Joe enjoys the reputation of being a man of integrity and ethics. He has had several successful businesses and held several executive positions with various Fortune 1000 companies. He is often sought after to teach classes his “black and white breakdown” of business ethics.If you like to “stir the pot” a little and you don’t want to hear any more political correctness, Joe is your guy! Just name a topic… politics, religion, racism, or most any current event.Joe can be heard daily across the airwaves and over the internet on several stations.

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One Comment

  1. Demarcates and liberals can’t handle the real truth. Only truth they understand is what say is truth.

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