Green Libs and Rahm
I am Bam.
I am Bam.
Bam I am.
That Bam-I-am!
That Bam-I-am!
I do not like
that Bam-I-am!
Do you like
green libs and Rahm?
I do not like them,
I do not like
green libs and Rahm.
Would you like them
on Wall Street?
I would not like them
on Wall Street.
I would not like them
eating meat.
I do not like
green libs and Rahm.
I do not like them,
Would you like them
in the House?
Would you like them
as your spouse?
I do not like them
in the House.
I do not like them
as my spouse.
I do not like them
on Wall Street.
I do not like them
eating meat.
I do not like green libs and Rahm.
I do not like them, Bam-I-am.

Would you like them
as a Weiner?
Would you like them
for your deener?
Not as a Weiner.
Not as my deener.
Not in the House.
Not as my spouse.
I would not like them Barney Frank.
I would not like them they smell rank.
I would not like green libs and Rahm.
I do not like them, Bam-I-am.
Would you? Could you?
With Joe Biden?
Like them! Like them!
Mouth be widen.
I would not,
could not,
with Joe Biden.
You may like libs.
You will see.
You may like libs
Eat a pea!
I would not, eat a little pea.
Not with Biden! You let me be.
I do not like them as a Weiner.
I do not like them for my deener.
I do not like them in the House.
I do not like them as my spouse.
I do not like them on Wall Street.
I do not like them eating meat.
I do not like green libs and Rahm.
I do not like them, Bam-I-am.
A Pelosi! A Pelosi!
A Pelosi! A Pelosi!
Could you, would you,
with Pelosi?
Not with some Botox! Not with a pea!
Not with Pelosi! Bam! Let me be!
I would not, could not, as a Weiner.
I could not, would not, for my deener.
I will not like them in the House.
I will not like them dirty louse.
I will not like them on Wall Street.
I will not like them with some meat.
I do not like green libs and Rahm.
I do not like them, Bam-I-am.
With Eric Holder?
Here with Eric Holder!
Would you, could you, with Eric Holder?
I would not, could not,
with Eric Holder.
Would you, could you, with Debbie Downer?
I would not, could not,
with Debbie Downer.
Not in the House. Not on TV.
Not as a Weiner. Not as my deener.
I do not like them, Bam, you see.
Not with a Barney. Not as a Frank.
Not as a Weiner. Not with his crank.
I will not like them on Wall Street.
I do not like them eating meat!
You do not like
green libs and Rahm?
I do not
like them,
Could you, would you,
with Michelle?
I would not,
could not,
with Michelle!
Would you, could you,
were she in Hell?
I could not, would not, with Michelle.
I will not, will not, though she’s in Hell.
I will not like them Barney Frank.
I will not like them they smell rank.
Not as a Weiner! Not as my deener!
Not in the House! Not as my spouse!
I do not like them on Wall Street.
I do not like them eating meat.
I do not like green libs and Rahm.
I do not like them, Bam-I-am.
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them ANYWHERE!
I do not like
green libs and Rahm!
I do not like them,
You do not like them.
So you say.
Try them! Try them!
And you may.
Try them and you may, I say.
If you will let me be,
I will try them.
You will see.
I still hate green libs and Rahm!
I do! I hate them, Bam-I-am!
And I won’t like them as a Weiner.
And I won’t like them for my deener.
And I won’t like them in the House.
Or on Wall Street. Or as my spouse.
Or with some Botox, or with a pea.
They are so awful, bad, you see!
So I won’t eat them like a pea,
While watching Biden on TV.
And I won’t like them in the House.
And I won’t like them filthy louse.
And I won’t like them like a Weiner
And I won’t like them for my deener.
AND I won’t like them here or there.
Say! I don’t like them ANYWHERE!
I do so hate
green libs and Rahm!
Screw You!
Screw You,
—PolarCoug (With an assist compliments of Dr. Seuss!)
Eat a Pea. LOL!!
Seems like the admin here is a hypocrite, deleting comments with the word hell in them, then letting the word HELL right here in this so-called poem?