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How Do We Hold Democrats Responsible For Their Lies When They Keep Moving The Goal Post?

Democrats are liars one hundred percent of the time, but when one tries to hold them responsible for their lies they have already gone elsewhere, practicing new lies, and are impossible to trap in order to challenge them with their numerous obfuscations.

Some of the major lies told by leftists are listed below, and I’ve never seen a Democrat forced to answer to these obvious lies and misrepresentations.

In 1968 Paul Ehrlich wrote The Population Bomb which predicted a major period of starvation and conflict, the world over, before 1980, as overpopulation caused mass deaths and competition for too little food. I’ve not heard any more about this issue, and leftists have made no attempt to prove their claim of disaster, these nearly 40 years later.

Just today (September 6, 2019) I heard New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio state that he has a 12-year plan to protect and create jobs. But how can he believe that New York City will even still exist in 12 years when the Democrat smart set has declared that in only 11 years the earth will be burned to a crisp and all citizens of earth will be dead? Obviously the fool man does not believe the line of crap his party is dishing out.

A week or so ago Barack Obama bought a multi-million dollar ocean-front mansion on Martha’s Vineyard. So how can an otherwise smart man make such a stupid purchase and spend so much money, when he and his pals believe the earth is about to burn up, or at least be inundated by the ocean? Or maybe he believes his own line of bull when he claimed that his presidency was going to stop the rise of the ocean. If the latter possibility was the case, why would Obama not claim credit for halting the ocean rising and ending global warming, thereby saving the lives of all people on earth, for which he would be a renewed hero to his faithful followers and perhaps get another Nobel peace prize.

In 1980 Ted Danson told us repeatedly, in Public Service Announcements, that the earth’s oceans would be dead in 10 years, but nearly 30 additional years have passed and the oceans are still alive and still feeding the world. How does Mr. Danson account for this error on his part?

In November of 2018 Alexandria Ocasio Cortez said that in 12 years from her announcement the world would end. But nearly a full year has passed since her stupid assertion, or 1/12th of the period of time to our demise, and the weather and the temperature still closely resemble the weather of last year, and 2 years ago, and 10 years ago, at this time of year. Why isn’t it 1/12th warmer than last year, since we are that much closer to her 12-year forecast? And why doesn’t this fool women, who considers herself to be quite the Rock Star, have to present evidence that her lying claims are true?

The twenty or so Democrat presidential candidates are all wringing their hands and speaking of the “existential threat” that warming/change presents to the earth, and they are competing with each other by listing the things that American citizens will have taken from them if the particular candidate is elected in 2020. But even though American citizens will have to live simpler, more brutish, lives under a Democrat administration, the candidates will not do so now or then, as they continue to make their carbon foot-print larger by flying in private jets and being transported in large SUVs every day as they campaign.

Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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