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Trump’s phone call to Ukraine shows no wrongdoing

The witch hunt to find dirt on President Donald J. Trump is still alive and well, even months after Special Counsel Robert Mueller said there was no collusion or obstruction with Russia. So what do the liberals do? They shift their efforts to the west, now claiming that the president colluded with Vladmir Putin’s neighbor, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The Democrats, lead by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), began an impeachment inquiry without having read the transcript of the phone call in which they claimed the collusion occurred. To their dismay, President Trump and his administration received permission from Ukraine’s Zelensky to release the transcripts of the July 25th phone call in full (which you can read here).

Upon reading the documents it is quite evident that there had been no wrongdoing from our president, but of course the left will tell you differently. One article I read, was claiming that Trump was breaking campaign finance violations by requesting “non-monetary campaign contributions” from a foreign nation. Another article stated that a law expert who was unnamed found five potential “impeachable offensive” within the transcript while failing to name them specifically.

Then there was the Adam Schiff (D-CA) situation, in which he took the liberty to completely rewrite the call transcript while speaking in front of Congress and the nation. A commentator (@bennyjohnson) on Twitter put it best when stating “The Ukraine Call Transcript was so damning that Adam Schiff had to completely rewrite it and make up quotes that weren’t in it”.

This, of course, drew the attention of the president as well, who responded on Twitter calling Schiff “a sick man” and stating that he should resign after the “fraudulent” reading at the Congressional hearing. The reading which Schiff is claiming was a parody, is potentially damaging to the president who said it makes him look guilty. Schiff’s previous attempts to discredit and damage the president’s reputation clearly show that this was no mistake, rather the insinuation of guilt was by design.

A stunt like this in a time period of short attention spans and three minute Facebook clips is extremely dangerous and influential on public opinion. People who only caught brief snippets of the events at the hearing are going to see the president in a potentially harmful light, especially with the quickly approaching 2020 election, which gets back to the root of this whole debacle; Joe Biden.

In the transcript, we see President Trump asking Zelensky about Biden and his son’s “business” dealings with Ukraine. The democrats are trying to claim this was obstruction since Biden was the democratic front-runner at the time of the July 25th phone call. However, the only shady business in this situation came from Biden’ threats that the US would withhold a billion US dollars in funds, until the prosecutor looking into his son and Ukraine was fired. Trump simply wanted to look into this corruption and was in turn made to look corrupt himself. When attempting to drain the D.C. swamp, one is made to look as though they are in the wrong and this has been happening the president since he announced his candidacy for president years ago.

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  1. Trump is at fault 100% Biden was cleared of any b.s. trump was tryn to make it all bout Biden but we all knw it was him that is n trouble! We need to do right here and impeach tbe person who was doing the wrong b.s.and thats TRUMP!!!

  2. @Vay how can you be judge and jury regarding Biden and Trump? Biden and his son were not investigated. Your comment is typical of a brainwashed liberal. What drives you and your side is pure, unadulterated hate. You will live longer if you let go of the hate…

    Way to go Giancarlo!! You speak of facts not unfounded statements fueled by hate. I do not like Trump per say, but I see and appreciate that he is a true patriot who has accomplished more for this country in his short time as commander-in-chief than the last 3 or more presidents did all together! The entrenched politicians are having a difficult time acknowledging that a businessman, not a career politician has accomplished so much.

  3. Of course Biden can’t be cleared when he’s never been investigated and he never will be because liberals take care of each other.
    The article simply and clearly laid out what happened and who did what.

  4. There is nothing to impeach Trump! Are you stupid read the phone call transcript! Biden did the Quid Pro Quo he needs to be investigated!

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