YouTube Revoked Streaming Privileges from Conservative Video Channel RSBN Just Before Trump Rally
YouTube has revoked the live streaming privileges of RightSide Broadcasting Network (RSBN) on the evening before President Trump’s rally in New Mexico.
RSBN live streams of President Trump’s rallies are heavily featured on Conservative Daily News and other news outlets.
According to RSBN, YouTube has offered no explanation for the censorship and in a video on their channel show that there are zero infractions on their account.
YouTube previously stripped RSBN of its live broadcast privileges in 2016 before restoring them a short time later.
Content created by Conservative Daily News and some content syndicated through CDN is available for re-publication without charge under the Creative Commons license. Visit our syndication page for details and requirements.
Its getting real scary people. I urge everyone to prepare to find alternative means of getting their stuff out there.
You Tube FARCEBOOK Twitter et al are LIEBERAL COWARDS financed by György Schwartz, AKA György Soros AKA George Soros is a Hungarian Jew the Spawn of Satan and most evil man on the planet Soros is the puppet master and those who are beholding to that SCUM are in lockstep
I have no use for any of that shit!!
U tube took RSBN off last night, srcreen went black and said “off line”
Ok, U tube, I’m cutting direct tv service next March once discount offer expires, going to streaming I remember last night.