OpinionTrending Commentary

Kamala Harris’s Adenoidal, Nasal Drawl Grates. Oh, And By The Way, She’s A Two-Bit Liar, Too.

“Let me be perfectly clear”, our sitting V. P. says, and then continues with her usual, nasal, adenoidal way of speaking, which is anything but clear and is way off the mark of honesty. But what else can you expect from a far-left, radical Democrat?

It may well be that her values have not changed, as she repeatedly swears to us, but her policies flip like pancakes on a hot griddle. And the clarity she speaks of is beside the fact that her values are far-left and that she allows illegal practices to continue during her time in office to this very day, but promises to close the border, complete Trump’s border wall and punish the South American gangs destroying our nation on “day one” when she becomes president in 2025, but definitely not now.

And the suffering caused by the Biden/Harris administration’s inflation will continue as well, because she also refuses to take any immediate or meaningful action to help suffering Americans today, with the inflation monster she and Biden created. Hers is not a future presidency of “potential” as she likes to describe it. It will be a presidency of manana, and the far-left crap she’s pushing today will continue for as long as she can get away with it. Which means she will continue to undermine America’s security and prosperity until the American public votes her and her ilk out of office in November.

And, on the subject of Kamala’s bold-face lie of warming/change and the non-existent dangers it presents to future generations, she and her pals on the phony left claim that they are concerned about the “babies” that will die from the asserted high temperatures caused by our way of life in America, while at the same time, Democrats are campaigning to kill innumerable “babies” via abortions, often after the child is fully born and living on its own outside the mother’s body. So enough of the two-faced lies from the political left. American citizens must take America back from the leftist crazies and vote the Democrats out in November.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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