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The Idiocy Of The Kamala Harris Administration Just Gets Deeper And Deeper

So now we’re being told, again, that Russia, the same country we were told had colluded with Donald Trump to steal the election in 2016, which we now know was a total lie, is again trying to steal the 2024 election. How stupid can the corrupt, politial Democrats be?

The Department of Justice, this time under control of Kamala Harris, is once again claiming that they are just innocently trying to block Russia from spreading misinformation/disinformation, until they can spring an October surprise and blame Trump again this year for election tampering.

The problem is that the FBI/DOJ don’t have any problem with misinformation/disinformation being forced on American citizens when the misinformation/disinformation lies help the Democrat candidate and work to the detriment of Donald Trump (you’ll recall the CIA told Google to disregard Hunter Biden’s laptop as being a Russian election tampering trick when it was the absolute truth), but if they can blame Russia or Trump with an alleged lie they will jump all over it. One might also recall the misinformation/disinformation lies from the Harris/Biden administration about the efficacy of the covid masking and vaccination, and how they refused to admit that China was the originator of the disease that hurt so many people, and they blocked any evidence that worked contrary to the pro-China, Democrat party line.

We know that Russia, China and Iran are lying dictatorships, and now we’re pretty certain that our own government is a lying pack of bastards, and lies from our own government is much worse than lies from Russia or China.

So the current Harris government lies can be added to the growing list of Democrat lies, like the danger of warming/change; or the Biden/Harris claim of a harmless, temporary transient inflation; or the horrors of the Israeli government defending itself against the murderers in Gaza; or the disasterous Biden/Harris withdrawal from Afghanistan; and the lie of a secure southern border, all of which lies are causing distrust of our own government on the part of American citizens.

What is desperately needed is to get Trump back in the White House. Even if you don’t like his demeanor or his words, he sure as hell can’t do a worse job than the Harris crew that is currently ruining our economy and our nation. And we all can agree that Trump’s previous administration allowed Americans to live better, freer and more securely than under the current example set by the Democrat party, and its ring-leader: Kamala Harris.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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