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Kamala Is Absolutely Correct That Our Nation’s Future Must Not Be Burdened By What Her Administration Has “Been”

Just a few months ago our lame-brained VP, Kamala, was frequently stating that our nation should move forward “unburdened by what has been”. She considered herself quite the clever lady spouting this phrase to all who would tolerate her. But in the case of the Harris/Biden administration, I believe that any thinking person would agree with her sentiment, because…

The Biden/Harris administration has “been” corrupt;

It has “been” dishonest;

It has disobeyed the constitution;

It has opened our nation’s borders to invaders from all over the world;

It has used law-fare to punish political opponents and eliminate any political competition;

It has caused run-away inflation, which hurts the poorest the most;

It has humiliated America with its hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan;

It has enable Iran to commit terrorist acts by giving them billions of dollars;

It has disrespected Israel and its fight with Hamas, and is preventing the Jewish state from ridding itself of its enemies;

It has issued an edict that only electric vehicles will be allowed to be sold and operated by 2030;

It has drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserves to dangerous levels for political reasons;

It has caused America to no longer be free from the need to import foreign oil;

It has divided the nation along racial and trans-sexual lines;

It has weakened our military preparedness with leftist political ideas and woke preachings;

It has dictated to American citizens the forced wearing of masks and being vaccinated;

It has repeatedly misrepresented the increase in crime and the lagging employment figures in order to make Kamala’s candidacy look better.

The Harris/Biden administration has been a total failure and is rapidly destroying our nation and it’s very successful, capitalistic financial system, by allowing their “progressive” stupidity to eliminate ideas that they don’t agree with.

So the best policy for America, moving forward, is to unburden ourselves from what has “been”, in other words, we should unburden ourselves of the negative influence of the Biden/Harris administration, and vote a proven American patriot, Donald Trump, into the Oval Office in November.

As the current presidential candidate of the Democrat party, Kamala’s every policy statement has contradicted all policy practices of the Biden/Harris administration. So Americans must rid ourselves and our nation of the “has been” Harris administration in the next election, in order to prevent America from being “burderned” by the very corrupt and anti-American Kamala Harris as we go into the future.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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One Comment

  1. Great article outlining all the many ways the Biden/Harris administration is destroying this country.
    In fact, I say it is past time to start calling what they have done what it is; TREASON. The first constitutional duty of every President and Vice President is to protect their citizens; not contribute to killing them with drugs (over a quarter of a million Americans have died from the fentanyl flowing across their open border since they’ve been in office) or allowing them to be murdered or raped by foreign invaders or soon to be blown up from the inevitable terrorist attack that is coming. It’s just Treason on the part of Biden and Harris and Mayorkas to refuse to follow Federal immigration laws and allow a complete invasion of our country by 12 – 14 million poor, uneducated illegals including known terrorists, cartels, violent gangs and 28,000 convicted murderers and rapists and 600,000 convicted criminals.

    On the other hand, they’ve sent 160 billion dollars to protect Ukraine’s “sovereignty and territorial integrity” while using your tax dollars to destroy the United States as a sovereign nation by paying to fly and bus illegals all over the country and pay for their food, their housing and their medical. Now, of course, she says she’ll do something about the border after doing nothing for 4 years. I say believe what she has always said on the record for 20 years before now (open border, abolish ICE, no wall, free healthcare for illegals, amnesty for illegals, no bail, defund the police, ban fracking, gun confiscation) and, most importantly, what she and Biden have DONE and not what she says now. Vote out all the lying, complicit Democrats or you will no longer have a country.

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