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Joy Behar’s Confused “Ethics” Illustrates Typical Leftist “Thinking”

I could be friends with a Trump supporter.   I won’t give them a kidney, but I could be friends with them.  It’s not just about politics. It’s about morality, ethics, it’s about cruelty, it’s about discrimination. It’s about a lot of things. So those are personal human values.  We’re not just talking about a fiscal conservative who pays more taxes. We’re talking about you as a human being. So, it’s hard to be friends with someone who signs onto something like that.

                                                            Joy Behar, 3/6/25

Rush Limbaugh is a terrorist! You heard it here!

                                    Joy Behar, CNN Transcript, 8/25/08

[Speaking] of the Duke rape case. The boys are off because the girl lied and she wasn’t raped. However, it’s interesting to me that a little white boy’s club was in effect in the Duke University situation. You have a bunch of white boys sitting around with black girls, coming in and stripping. Alright, they didn’t rape them, but …

                                                            Joy Behar, 4/12/2007

The ladies on ABC’s The View probably wouldn’t describe their show as a cesspool of shrill nonsense and liberal hackery, but that is precisely what it is.  … In 2022 alone, The View cohosts were forced to issue nearly 40 apologies, clarifications, and legal disclaimers for statements they made on the air. … The list of statements for which Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, and their colleagues have apologized (or issued clarifications in response to threats of legal action) is nothing short of astonishing.

• Comparing Christianity to a “mental illness.”

• Claiming Supreme Court justices Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas have been “credibly accused” of sexual assault.

• Suggesting the Holocaust was “not about race.”

• Asserting that neo-Nazi protesters outside a convention in Florida belonged to a conservative student organization.

• Using a racial slur—”gypped”—to criticize Donald Trump and his supporters [“gypped” being derived from the idea that gypsies are, as a racial group, cheaters]

• Offending nurses by suggesting [that] nursing is “not a real talent.”

• Falsely accusing Supreme Court justice Amy Coney Barrett of belonging to a “hate group.”

• Defending accused rapist Bill Cosby by comparing him to the falsely accused members of the Duke Lacrosse team in 2006.

                                                            The Free Beacon, 8/18/23

Socrates: I turn to the second class [of my accusers], headed by Meletus, that good and patriotic man as he calls himself. … He says I am a doer of evil who corrupt the youth; I say … Meletus is a doer of evil [because] he makes a joke of a serious matter [ethics and morality], and is too ready at bringing other men to trial from a pretended zeal about matters in which he really never had the smallest interest. 

                        Plato, the Apology

When [Nietzsche] concluded that “Wherever is the crowd is a common denominator of stench”, he gives vent to his repugnance at what culture has done in the name of morality.

                        19th Century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche

Joy Behar’s recent (probably false) virtue signalling comment that she could be friends with a Trump supporter but “would not give them a kidney” illustrate the problem with much leftist thinking.  

First, she herself admits this at the end of the quote that it is unlikely she could really be friends with a Trump supporter because “it’s hard to be friends with someone who signs onto” the “personal values” of a Trump supporter “as a human being.”

Second, her (probably false) statement that she could be friends with a Trump supporter but would “not give them a kidney” means that she could be friends with them but not save their life.   One would think that is the opposite of the correct moral or ethical stance.  When firefighters enter a burning building, they don’t ask for the victim’s political affiliations before they decide whether to save their lives.  They save their lives even though that victim might turn out to be a member of the other political Party.   Firefighters, have it right, of course, but, then again, they have courage and a small pay check, not lack of courage and a large pay check.

However, what is most revealing about Behar’s remarks is her alleged justification for not being willing to save the life of Trump supporters, namely that the disagreement with Trump supporters is “not just about politics” but “about morality, ethics, …. cruelty, … discrimination … a lot of things, [that is,] personal human values.”   Behar sees all those good things, morality, ethics, personal values, etc., as belonging to her side of the aisle and all these bad things, cruelty, discrimination, etc., as characterizing Trump supporters. 

It has not, apparently, occurred to Behar that Trump supporters (and other conservatives) see the situation in precisely the opposite way.  Many conservatives see it as comical that leftists can possibly believe they have the corner on morality and ethics.

I find it difficult to see how the Left regards the record number of dead people (at least 853 in 2022 and more throughout Biden’s term), including many children, at our southern border as the ethical or moral choice.  Similarly, I find it difficult to see how Biden’s transparent lies about the open southern border for 4 years is the moral position.

I find it difficult to see how all the fentanyl deaths caused by Biden’s wide-open southern border over the past 4 years represents the ethical and moral position. 

I find it difficult to see how all the Americans, including many women and little girls like the little 12-year-old dead girl, Jocelyn Nungaray, murdered by illegal aliens that Biden let into the country represents the ethical or moral position. 

I find it difficult to see how the Democrat’s and media’s transparent lying about Biden’s cognitive decline for 4 years represents the ethical or moral position.  Biden himself, has been lying over his entire 50 years in politics but that never seems to bother people like Behar as long as their Party benefits.

I fail to see how The View’s long history of causally slandering people, Rush Limbaugh, Christians, Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas, conservative student organizations, gypsies, nurses, the Duke Lacross players, etc., represent the moral or ethical view.

I find it hard to see how they racialize everything, e.g., the innocent Duke Lacross players, represents the moral or ethical position. 

And so on. 

The formula for Behar’s typical leftist slight-of-hand is simple.  They simply define, or presuppose, the ethical and moral position as their view.  They themselves are the paragons of ethics and morality.  How nice (and easy) for them!  This is so easy to do because, since most of the Left, having censored their opposition, only talk to people who share their views, they only hear from others how wonderful, ethical and moral they are.  Given their narcissism-based greatness, they need not worry about all the dead women and children resulting from Biden’s cynical open borders policies.  They’re all just collateral damage, if the all-knowing Democrats even think about them, of their self-serving political agenda.  “You can’t make an omelette without breaking some [little girls]”.

In fact, authentic thinking, about ethics and morality, about anything, is very difficult, requiring the most careful disciplined self-critical thinking, something diametrically opposed to all the laughing and giggling crowds of unserious self-congratulatory partisans seen daily on most of what’s left of our television and “news media”.

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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