
How “progressives” Roll

When the institutionalized “progressive” left’s ancestors invaded from London and Frankfurt they made a conscious decision to re-engineer America’s culture, “to remold it nearer to the heart’s desire”.  Since they began that process American society has steadily decayed.

In post WWII America, before “progressives” changed immigration laws to reduce immigration from Europe and accelerate immigration from third world countries, people were able to leave their home’s doors unlocked at night.  Keys could be left in the ignition with the doors unlocked and nobody would steal the car parked in front of the house. Getting divorced, having children out of wedlock, being dependent on welfare or food stamps, committing crimes, all brought shame to the individual and to the family.  The nation shared values based on a common heritage of European Christian beliefs.

At school, following a morning prayer children began each day by saying the pledge of allegiance.  Nobody was offended by saying either the prayer or the pledge.  Since their ancestors came to America because they loved America and wanted to be Americans, the children saw themselves as Americans, not Irish-Americans, or Polish-Americans or Belgian-Americans.

Kids knew that if they didn’t study they might fail, and if they failed they wouldn’t graduate.  When they played sports they kept score.  The better team won and only the best team earned the trophy.  They were familiar with concepts like good and evil, right and wrong, truth and lies, honor and dishonor, fairness and cheating, winners and losers.  They were expected to meet societal standards of performance and behavior.  They learned the difference between achievement and failure.  If they failed, they were encouraged to pick themselves up and try again.  Failure was not a disgrace.  It was simply a part of life people faced when they took risks and dared to achieve.

When they got home from school, Mom was waiting for them.  Her job was to run the home and play a big role in raising the kids.  She didn’t need to work outside the home.  Dad made enough money to support the family financially.  Both parents contributed to raising the kids and passing along the family values they once learned.  Latch key kids were the exception, not the rule.

Piece by piece, “progressives” began chipping away at this foundation of American society.

They eroded family values through Women’s Lib.  According to the “progressive” doctrine, if you were a stay at home Mom you were not “good enough”.  In order to be “equal” to a man, a woman must behave like a man and compete with men outside the home.  Once Mom left to compete for Dad’s job, when the kids got home from school nobody was there.

Great Society “progressive” programs further eroded the family and family values.  The more out of wedlock children they had, the more welfare paid unmarried mothers.  Instead of being a source of shame, having children out of wedlock became a source of money.  Failure to perpetuate the traditional two parent family and family values was rewarded by big government “progressive” spending.  Eventually, with help from Hollywood “progressive” propaganda, single motherhood became a cause for celebration, a badge of honor.  Fathers became unknown commodities to their own children.  Many kids were left to grow up instead of being raised.  The single mothers who did work hard to raise their kids were outnumbered and incapable of teaching their children the male perspective.  A mother cannot teach a boy how to be a man any more than a father can teach a girl how to be a woman.  The value of raising children in a two parent home is incalculable.

Thanks to “progressive” social engineering, flash mobs now feel entitled to invade a Wal-Mart in Jacksonville FL and take what they want:


Or in Troutdale OR:


What happened to the concepts of right and wrong, good and evil?  They are lost when there is no family to teach those values.  Yet “progressives” continue to cling to the idea that “it takes a village” to raise a child.  It looks like the village is doing a poor job.  Much as when a friend’s cold is brought home from school and introduced into the family, the “progressive” infection has spread through the family into society.

Now, “progressivism” has reached the highest levels of American government and threatens to destroy America’s exceptional ability to safeguard the individual’s God given Rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Abortion runs rampant; big brother government flies spy drones over private property and frisks innocent airline passengers while “progressive” taxation and draconian regulations impede the pursuit of happiness.

It has reached the point where the current Oval Office occupant is telling business owners they owe their business success to government built infrastructure.  If two individuals start competing businesses across the street from each another and one succeeds while one fails, it is impossible for the government built infrastructure to have been a contributing variable, much less the deciding factor.  The business that fails doesn’t pay higher tax rates, but the one that succeeds does.  To Americans taught common sense family values, that is what’s known as punishing success.

Since the failure of his policies preclude showcasing them as a reason to choose him for a second term, the “progressive” Democratic candidate for president of the United States has pinned his re-election chances to defining his GOP opponent as an out of touch with the middle class rich guy.   His campaign blames former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney for the 2001 closure of GST Steel.   The truth is, Romney left Bain Capital in 1999 to save the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Winter Games and Jonathan Lavine was in charge of Bain during those GST layoffs.  Jonathan Lavine is bundling between $100,000 and $200,000 in contributions for the 2012 Obama Victory Fund.

It seems that the latch key kid from Hawaii by way of Chicago is unfamiliar with the concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, truth and lies, honor and dishonor, fairness and cheating.  It is obvious that the concept of winners and losers is not lost on someone willing to lie, cheat, steal and kill someone’s good reputation for the sake of winning.

This sort of winning through character assassination is more important than doing the job for which he obviously lusts.  Despite spending $878 billion to “stimulate” the economy, and unemployment remaining stuck at over 8% since he took office, his jobs council has not met in six months.

Not only has his Energy Department squandered billions of taxpayer dollars on failed “green” energy companies run by his political cronies, they are now unable to locate $500,000 in equipment that was paid for by some of that “stimulus” money.

While bludgeoning Romney with unproven allegations of “outsourcing” jobs overseas and championing his own “insourcing” by “saving GM” (note: George W. Bush loaned the money to GM in 2008), it somehow never gets mentioned that the heralded Chevy Volt makes no money, and that manufacturing it costs American taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars per car.

And what of the once great city of Detroit, home of GM and onetime center of the automotive world?  Plans to raze empty homes in Detroit are in their final stage.  After decades of “progressive” Democratic rule, Detroit, once a booming crown jewel of American industrial might is bulldozing itself to the ground.

This is how “progressives” roll.  Following their path leads to decay and destruction.  It matters not whether the damage inflicted is on decrepit homes or the cornerstone of civilization, the nuclear family.  It is still a dead end.


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