In the CourtsIn The News

Biden employer mandate appealed to Supreme Court

Last night, Biden’s employer mandate was reinstated by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. Now, the case appears on its way to the Supreme Court.

At least 27 business groups have joined the fight against the vaccine mandate and have appealed the ruling. While the case may be headed to the Supreme Court, recent Supreme Court rulings put the case in jeopardy.

In just the last week, the U.S. Supreme Court denied appeals of the vaccine mandate on religious grounds to healthcare workers in the US northeast. There are multiple other cases that the Supreme Court has chosen to either not take or to deny.

One of the matters certain to come up is that OSHA has various mandates and orders for companies. The 6th circuit noted that OSHA helped employers with guidelines regarding reopening during COVID and has other policies for controlling the spread of virus and disease.

Currently, OSHA recommends vaccination for many other diseases, such as measles, mumps, tetanus, etc. Employers are responsible for determining their plan of action and if they will require those vaccines.

This order would take that further by requiring the vaccine on behalf of the federal government. Forcing private businesses to police government orders is not freedom. It’s a sign of government overreach and tyranny.

In what is sure to open eyes regarding the court ruling in Cincinnati, the breakdown of the votes by the judges was based on who nominated them. Politico reported, “Judge Julia Gibbons, a George W. Bush appointee, and Jane Stranch, an Obama appointee, were in favor of granting the administration’s request. Joan Larsen, a Trump appointee, dissented.”

The 6th circuit won the case through a lottery between the various circuits. Pending the circuit that won that lottery, it would decide who would appeal to the Supreme Court, whether it be the businesses or the government.

Content syndicated from with permission.

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